By Joseph Zollo
<GEEK> Editor ’04As I discussed in one of my previous articles, technology quickly is becoming more prevalent in our lives, and what was once considered geeky is now considered cool. Websites are starting to fall into this category. When I first started my computer & technology website,, I was scared to show it to my friends, thinking they might ridicule me. Basically, there are two types of websites, free and not free. Your typical “free” website (providers –,, is for beginners and often requires some type of advertisement be placed at the top of all your pages. Your “not free” website will often have a full fledged domain name ( and a professional hosting service, not to mention great content and design. More and more people have their own websites these days, whether it’s to convey information, maintain a public journal, share pictures or pretty much anything; your imagination is the limit! Internet providers like Comcast, Bellsouth and Earthlink give you space on their servers to setup your own site. I interviewed 4 students here at Lassiter, Justin Bellmor, Adam Tart, Joe Moravitz and Bren Isbell who have all created their own websites. Let’s see what they have to say…

The Spotlight on Adam Tart
What is the URL to your Website?
What is the goal of your website? My goal is to showcase my photography, drawing and writing, and to let others know more about me. I also use the site as a way to disperse information – if people want something, I can say “check my site”.
What technologies does your website employ? XHTML 1.1, PHP, CSS, Perl
Are there any cool features on your website that you’d like to tell people about? Check out the guestbook, that’s a good page. Also, see what happens when you try to access a page that doesn’t exist. The “matrix” page is pretty cool. I’m going to add lots of interesting things in the future so keep your eye out.
The Spotlight on Justin Bellmor
What is the URL to your website?
What technologies does your website emplyoy? PHP, XHTML, CGI, Perl, and CSS
What is the goal of your website? I originally set it up for an email address since I hated hotmail, yahoo, etc.
What challenges did you face during the devolopment phase? Creating CSS that looked the same across web browsers.
What is one word that descibes your site? Mine
Are there any cool features on your website that you’d like to tell people about? People like my photo gallery, the alaska pictures especially. Girls like the pictures of my cats.
The Spotlight on Bren Isbell
What is the URL to your Website?
What is the goal of your website? To show off my digital photography.
What technologies does your website employ? Dynamic HTML and Java.
What challenges did you face during the development phase of your website? Getting all the pictures to line up.
What is one word that describes your site? Artnuevo (haha)
Are there any cool features on your website that you’d like to tell people about? Everything is hidden, take time and explore everything that the page has to offer.
The Spotlight on Joe Moravitz
What is the URL to your Website?
What is the goal of your website? People would commonly come to me, asking me to fix their calculators. I figured that there are probably many more students with calculator problems across the country, and if they think they cant fix it, they’ll toss it out and waste money on a new one.
What is one word that descibes your site? Helpful
Are there any cool features on your website that you’d like to tell people about? As you probably know if you know me, i’m very involved with music. Since Mr. Williams, our chorus teacher has been busy, I will create midi files for chorus people to pracitce their songs with. I will also be uploading my own music. |