Fix sliding closet doors on your own in no time

LA Home Sliding Closet DoorYour problem: It has been more than 10 years since we have installed sliding closet doors everywhere in our house. Everything was fascinating and worked well until recently when suddenly almost every sliding door in the house started either to come off tracks or get jammed against each other. No matter what we tried to do, the situation is only getting worse.

Handyman’s solution to your problem: every day your handyman’s office receives a multitude of calls with similar complaints. The majority is about custom sliding closet doors that came off track and it is impossible either to get them back on track or even move. Once there was a case with a trapped person inside a closet door who finally managed to get out but the door still was not functioning right. Therefore, do not feel alone with the problem, we are about to give you some invaluable tips on how to handle came off track custom sliding closet doors.

There are older style doors, which are a bit different from the modern ones. First, let’s see how to come with the older ones and then move to those a bit more up-to-date. The first type is sliding doors is characterized by ceiling mounted tracks that do all the support for rollers. The later as a rule go in the shape of an open hanging “j” and that is the reason why the doors tend to come off track in case they are pushed aside or vertically instead of pulling them horizontally from one side to another.

We spoke to KNR Sliding & Glass Doors Culver City, who said that custom sliding closet doors can stuck because of something inside it. In this case, it is a bad idea to push the doors in different directions and trying to lift them. The only thing you will achieve is that the rollers will simply come off track and it will become harder to repair the doors. Especially if your sliding closet doors are those heavy ones.

Sometimes there is the problem with original sliding doors that are put over hard wood floors. The problem here is that the carpeting was put on the floors later than the doors were installed. As a result, the height of the carpeting is not counted into the construction that causes more troubles when opening the sliding closet doors. A good way out here is to remove the doors and trim the base. Such a step will allow you to get everything back on track and enjoy your doors for more years to come.

If your only problem is relatively old rollers, then you have a chance to replace them with the new ones. However, keep in mind that it will be necessary to do the same with the entire track mechanism. Only in this case, you will achieve the goal and your sliding closet will move along as if they are new. By the way, such custom mechanisms are available in all hardware stores, you just need to know the right measurements of your custom sliding closet doors.

When talking about the new generation of mechanisms for custom sliding closet doors,  the situation is more simple. Once you install the rollers, trolley and new “C” shaped track correctly, you will not have any additional problems with this type of sliding doors.

The above-mentioned option of replacing the old mechanism with the new one seems logical only when the doors and the frame are is good condition. Then, to do the job on a standard door will take about 2-3 hours. By no means, it will make your life easier and you will not get angry every morning because our closed doors have jammed once again.

The same renovation approach can be applied to pocket doors but in this case, it will be more time-, effort- and material-consuming. The reason is quite obvious as usually pocket doors have a more complicated construction and it is not that easy to get access to the mechanism and replace it with a new one. Note that sometimes it is hard to replace the track as the process requires a 1-2 square foot opening in a drywall to get the things done from the inside. If the drywall is removed, the task gets more simple but not in case if the cabinets of the pocket doors are tiled. The way out here is to move the cabinets for some time or create an opening in the tile.



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